
Marcucci M. C., Custódio A. R., Ferreira M. M. C., “Occurrence of phenolic compounds in propolis from different geographical regions of Brazil”. Antwerp, Belgium, 01-06/09/1997:  XXXV International Apicultural Congress, Book of Abstracts, 250 (1997). Poster PS 250.


1Marcucci, M.C.; 2Custódio, A.R. and 3Ferreira M.M.C.

1UNIMES (Santos) and Chemical Institute, Campinas State
University, Campinas, SP, Brazil; CP 6154, cep 13083-970, e-mail:
marcucci@iqm.unicamp.br, 2Pharmacy Faculty, São Francisco
University, Bragança Paulista, SP, Brazil, 3Chemical Institute of
Campinas State University

Propolis is an aromatic resin extracted by honey bees from buds
and plant exudates, after being processed inside the hive by the
addition of salivary secretion and wax. Brazilian propolis results
from an extremely large variety of vegetation which makes it hard
to standardize. In this work, 40 propolis samples coming from
several geographic environments of Southern and South East Brazil
were analyzed by HPLC. 18 different compounds have been
identified and quantified, including the cafeic, p-coumaric,
pherulic acids and derivatives, pinobanxin, a derivative of caempherol and
some uknown compounds assigned as B, C, D, E and F.
Exploratory data analysis performed through the multivariate data
analysis method of Principal Components, is shown to be quite
efficient to uncover relationships and grouping the samples
according to their geographic and vegetation origion. The first
principal component PC1 is related to vegetation type. Samples
with negative scores come from eucalyptus sources while those
samples with positive scores are related to native vegetation. The
compound C and with less degree D, are the main indicators of
these two types of vegetation sources for propolis. The second
principal component shows a clustering of samples originated from
Southern states (RS, SC, PR) and South Eeast states (SP, RJ,
MG). South samples are characterized by a high concentration of
C and F and by absence of caempherol derivative. Southern
samples have a rather high concentration of the derivative of
caempherol and absence of compounds C and F.

Supported by FAPESP and CNPq.