Marcucci M. C., Ferreres F., Ferreira M. M. C., Custódio A.R., Bankova V. S., Garcia-Viguera C., “Evaluation of phenolic compounds in Brazilian propolis from different geographic regions, using principal components analysis”. Vancouver, Canada, 12-17/09/1999: XXXVI International Apicultural Congress (Apimondia '99), Book of Abstracts, 295 (1999). Poster 159.

Here is a simplified version of the conference home page that does not exist more at the Apimondia's site: http://www.apicultura.com/apimondia/index_us.htm


International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations

third press release Apimondia Vancouver, Canada, sept.99

From: Dr. Gard W. Otis, Chair of Promotion, Apimondia'99

This meeting promises to be an excellent source of beekeeping information and means to make international contacts--in fact we believe it to be perhaps the best beekeeping meeting ever held!
The press release focuses on ApiExpo'99, the trade show that accompanies the scientific program of the meeting. On behalf of the Apimondia'99 Organizing Committee, I hope that you will pass this message on to others who may want to receive it. There have been two previous press releases (October 1997 and May 1998). If you have not received these but would like them, please send me anE-mail message to that effect:


Some of you will receive this information by regular mail in another week. I would appreciate it if you would advise me if E-mail is your preferred means of receiving information. Also, if you know of people who may not be receiving this information, then please pass on the E-mail address and I can add it to the distribution list. You will see that the message below appears in 4 versions; in alfabetical order: