This page is intended to contain postconference stuff like photos, various comments and other related stuff. More contents will be added by time.
CAC-2006 Photos
A huge amount of photos from CAC-2006 one can find at:
or directly at: 2006 - Brazil/index.html
CAC-2006 awards
Three best student posters were awarded at CAC-2006:
Poster: P080 (abstract)
Presenter: Tobias K. Karakach from the Chemometrics Group at
the Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, CANADA
Title: Characterization of errors in transcriptomics by spotted DNA
microarray data
Authors: Tobias K. Karakach and Peter D. Wentzell
Award: One license of the chemometric software UNSCRAMBLER from CAMO
External links for this news:
CAMO Media: Award
Winners at CAMO Events
News (October 2006, No. 119) of the Dept. Chem., Univ. Halifax
Poster: P079 (abstract)
Presenter: Susana Navea from the Chemometrics Group at the University
of Barcelona, SPAIN
Title: Chemometrics applied to protein process analysis
Authors: Susana Navea, Romà Tauler and Anna de Juan
Award: One license of the chemometric software PIROUETTE from INFOMETRIX
Poster: P016 (abstract)
Presenter: Glaucia B. Alcantara from the NMR Laboratory at the
Federal University of São Carlos, SP, BRAZIL
Title: Quality Assessment of Espinheira-Santa Phytomedicines Using
NMR Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis
Authors: Cristina Daolio, Glaucia B. Alcantara, Antonio G. Ferreira
and Márcia M. C. Ferreira
Award: One license of the chemometric software PLS-TOOBOX from EIGENVECTORS.
CAC-2006 on participant pages
Left: Beautiful flowers that the CAC's participants could see in one-afternoon tour to Holambra, a Dutch-founded city famous to its flower, arts and design exposition and entertainment parks.
Right: Hotel Monte Real Resort in Águas de Lindóia, where the conference was hosted, with the beautiful lake and park.
Both photos were taken by Polish participants from Katowice, which have
more pictures and other stuff about the conferece on their
home page.
The participants of the K. Faber's course on uncertainty estimation.
The picture is taken from the
Chemometry Consultancy home page.
Here are some photos of the beautiful city of Holambra that was visited by the conference participants in the afternoon of September 14, right before the churrasco.
Coxilha Grill
The participants may remember there special dinner at which the awards were announced, right after visiting Holambra. For many participants this dinner was the first meeting with the Brazilian churrasco (a kind of barbecue with plenty of meat).
This was the ticket
to enter this place in Campinas, called "Coxilha Grill".