
Ferreira M. M. C., Booksh K., Kowalski B. R., “Resolução de espectros de Misturas Porfirínicas por Meio do Método Matemático de Decomposição Trilinear” ["Spectral Resolution of Porphyrinic Mixtures by Means of Mathematic Method of Trilinear Decomposition"]. Caxambu, MG, 19-22/11/1995: 8° Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica (VII SBQT) [8th Brazilian Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry], Resumos [Abstracts], (1995) 197.

Below is a some information about the meeting, available at: ftp://ftp.iqm.unicamp.br/pub/sbqt/

From bruns  Thu Oct 26 21:00:12 1995
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Subject: VIII Brazilian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
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               VIII Brazilian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry
                             November 19-22, 1995

     You can use the internet to obtain copies of some or all of the 216
abstracts that have been accepted for the VIII Brazilian Symposium on
Theoretical Chemistry.
     To see a list of the available abstracts send an e-mail to:


with the following line (a subject is not necessary)

                           index sbqt

     This file contains information about all the available abstracts. To
receive a copy of this index just send another mail to


with the command (for example)

                           get sbqt indice.ans
      get sbqt indice.autor

     There are two files of indices -- indice.ans which contains the file
number of the abstract, title of the abstract, authors and key words and
-- indice.fig which contains the file names of the figures corresponding to the respective file of the abstract.
     To obtain a specific abstract send an e-mail to


with the command (for example)

                           get sbqt020.ans

     The abstract files are in text format with layout and depending on the
terminal used the accents on the portuguese and spanish words can be seen.
     The figures (postscript) are in ASCII format and are compacted. The pro-
cedure to visualize the figures consists in saving the figure file and then
proceeding as follows:

                           uudecode fig020.eps.Z.uu
                           uncompress fig020.eps.Z

and later using a graphics program that permits visualization of postscript
files or printing on a postscript printer. The commands uudecode and uncompress
are available for several operating systems.
     This file is being sent to all those who have inscribed on the VIII SBQT
list. If you know someone who would like to participate on this list please
pass on this information to him. The interested person can simply send a mail to


with the following line (a subject is not necessary)

                           subscribe sbqt name

Thank you for your attention.

                                              Roy E. Bruns
                                             VIII SBQT


  VIII Simposio Brasileiro de Quimica Teorica
                 Quimica Teorica: Meio Seculo de Computacao

   19 a 22 de novembro de 1995
   Hotel Gloria, Caxambu, MG


Comissao Organizador

Coordenador de Infra-estrutura :
Roy Edward Bruns - UNICAMP/FAENQUIL     bruns@iqm.unicamp.br

Coordenador Editorial :
Antonio Carlos Pavao - UFPE             64acp@npd.ufpe.br

Heloiza H. R. Schor - UFMG               heloiza@zeus.qui.ufmg.br

Lee Mu-Tao - UFSCar                     dlmt@power.ufscar.br

Marcal de Oliveira Neto - UnB           marcal@guarany.cpd.unb.br

Marcio Jose E.M. Cardoso - UFRJ         iqg01001@ufrj.bitnet


O programa do VIII SBQT constara de conferencias plenarias, palestras, e
paneis cientificas. Solicitacoes de apoio estao sendo enviados as agencias
financiadoras para a participacao de D. R. Salahub (Universidade de Montreal),
D. Beratan (Universidade de California), T. H. Lilley (Universidade de
Sheffield), P. Taylor (Universidade de California), P. Fantucci (Universi-
dade de Milano), Y. G. Smeyers (THEOCHEM), R. Contreras (Universidade de


O resumo devera ser enviado ate o dia 15/07/95 em disquete formato Word for
Windows acompanhado de duas copias impressas para:

Comissao Organizadora do VIII SBQT
Instituto de Quimica
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
CP 6154
13081-970 Campinas, SP

More conference information is right below, as in the book of abstracts.


-Estrutura Eletrônica
-Teoria de Colisões
-Dinâmica Molecular
-Modelagem Molecular
-Termodinâmica Estatística


-Roy E. Bruns
-Antônio Carlos Pavão
-Heloisa H. R. Shor
-Lee Mu-Tao
-Marçal de Oliviera Neto
-Márcio José E. M. Cardoso


           São passados 14  anos desde  a realização  do  I Simpósio  Brasileiro  de
Química Teórica, nas dependências do Centro Brasileiro  de  Pesquisas  Físicas,
Rio de Janeiro, em dezembro de 1981.

           Desde  então,   a   história   destes  simpósios   registra   um   crescimento
qualitativo e quantitativo no número de pequisadores  e  trabalhos inscritos.   Nos
dois simpósio anteriores os trabalhos completos apresentados foram publicados
em  uma  revista  de  circulação  internacional,  o  Journal  of  Molecular  Structure
(THEOCHEM).   Esta  revista  dedicou   um   fascículo  inteiro  para  os t rabalhos
publicados do último SBQT.

           No presente encontro registramos a inscrição de  250 participante s e 216
trabalhos.   Há   cerca   de  um  mês  atrás  os  resumos  destes  trabalhos  foram
colocados à disposição dos interessados no mundo inteiro via internet.

           Agradecemos à  agências de  fomento,   CNPq,   FAPESP,   FAPEMIG   e
FACEPE   além  da   IBM  do  Brasil  pelo apois  financeiro indispensável  para a
realização deste simpósio.   Também agradecemos  à   Sociedade Brasileira de
Química pela sua ajuda na organização deste evento.

           Finalmente, expressamos nossa gratidão a todos os colegas que direta ou
indiretamente contribuíram para o sucesso deste evento.

19 de novembro de 1995

A Comissão Organizadora


           "It is the purpose of  this  paper to illustrate  the use and business  accounting
machines in carrying out  certain types of  quantum-mechanical  calculations,   in this
case  the  construction of  spectra by  the evaluation  of  the  above equations for line
position and  line intensity.   Punched-card  machines are probably  the most suitable
for this kind of work,   for although they are only  capable of adding, subtracting,  and
multiplying,   they  are  well  suited  to  the  quantum-mechanical  operations such  as
symmetry   classifications,   sorting  according   to   parity   or   changes   in  quantum
numbers, etc.
           In  the   International   Business   Machines   all   the   quantitites  used  in  the
calculations are  suppliedon cards,   the numbers  or  identification  letters  appearing
as  holes  punched   in  certain  locations.   The  machines  read   the  information  by
brushes which make  electrical contacts  through the holes as the cards  run  through
the machines.
           Several  types  of   machines   are  available  whose  principal  operations  are
briefly described below with  special  reference  to the  construction of band  spectra5.
           The ultimate object  of  this work is to represent a spectrum  by  a set of cards,
each card corresponding  to  a  line  and bearing the line position,  line  intensity,  the
quantum numbers  of  the two  states  and  the symmetry classification.  These  cards
can be prepared and handled by the following machines.
           Key  Punch  -  The  original datacan  be  punched  onto  cards  by  hand  from
printed tables.   Since this step  is  subject  to  errors by the operator,   the amount of
material punched  by  hand should  be  kept to  a  minimum.   It  is  necessary that the
information  on  the  cards  be  thoroughly  checked.   Various  machine   methods  of
testing the accuracy are described below.
           Sorter - Fundamentally this machine separates  a  set of cards into ten groups
depending on the values  of a digit in any one column.   It can be used to arrange the
cards representing transitions  in  order of increasing wave  number or to pick out the
lines above any chosen value.   It  is  also possible to classify the lines,  for  instance,
into sub-branches, by sorting on the changes in quantum numbers.
           In addition to the field  in which digits are punched there are  X  and  Y  zones
which can be used in combination with the digits to indicate letters,  or  used alone to
indicate  sign,  parity,  etc.,  or  for  control  purposes.  Thus  lines  can be sorted into
symmetry classes determined by the parity of certain numbers.
           Collator - This machine is used to combine two sets of cards so that a card of
the "primary"  set defined say by a certain quantum number precedes all the cards in
the "secondary" set with the same quantum number.
           Reproducer  -  When two sets have been collated,   the  combined set can be
put through  this machine  so that information  is  reproduced  from  the  leading card
(from the primary set)  into  all   the  cards  with  the  same  quantum  number  of  the
secondary set. This operation is called "gang punching".
           Multiplier    -    This   is   a   macine   on   which   addition,    subtraction,  and
multiplication can be done.   The two  numbers which  are combined must appear on
the  same  card,   the answer  being  punched  elsewhere  on  the  card.   Combined
operations,   such  as  AxB+C,   can  be  done  simultaneously  in this machine,   the
addition being called "cross-footing".
           Group multiplication  is  the operation of multiplying  all cards put through  the
machine  by  the  same  quantity  which   is  inserted  in  the  machine  by  a  leading
specially punched card.  It is then not necessary to use  up any columns of the detail
card for the multiplier.
           It is desirable in scientific work  to  have the  Multiplier  modified  to  take  into
account different signs of the terms in an equation such as (1); otherwise,  the cards
have to be sorted according to the signs and handled separately.
           Summary  Tabulator  -  At  any  stage in the operations  the  cards can be put
through a Tabulator wired so that any or all of the  information can be printed.  Thus,
the final results can be listed in any convenient form.
           In addition,  the Tabulator can sum the quantities on any part of the card  and
print  either  the  grand  total  or  subsidiary   totals,   the  printing   of  which  can  be
controlled by changes in the identification  columns,  e.g., when  a quantum  number
changes  or  when the  ten digits change.  Summation  can also be  controlled  by  X
zone punches.
           In conclusion, it should be pointed out that all steps in the calculations  can be
set up in a standardized form,  and the actual  preparation and handling of  the cards
is done by specially trained operators at some computing center."

Reitirado  de  "G. W. King,  P. C. Cross  and  G. B. Thomas,  J.  Chem.  Phys 14 35
(1946)." Este manuscrito foi recebido em 10 de Outubro de 1945.

Clique aqui! para o texto completo do artigo.
[Click here! for the complete text of this paper.]