Kiralj R., Ferreira. M. M. C., "Literature and Internet Database Mining in a Study About the Word CHEMOMETRICS". Águas de Lindóia, SP, Brazil, 10-15/09/2006: 10th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC-2006, CAC-X), Book of Abstracts (2006) OP27. Oral 27.
10th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry OP27
Literature and Internet
Database Mining in a Study About the
Rudolf Kiralj*, Márcia M. C. Ferreira
Laboratório de Quimiometria
Teórica e Aplicada, Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, Campinas –
SP, 13083-970 BRAZIL
Keywords: bibliometrics
and webometrics, linguistics of CHEMOMETRICS, exploratory analysis
The term
was coined by Svante Wold first in Swedish (kemometri)
in 19711 and soon in
English for a newly emerging
chemical area that employed mathematical
and statistical methods in the
treatment of chemical data.
Since then this term has entered into many languages
as a part of common
chemical linguistics
and scientific publications, and gave
name to research groups and
meetings and schools,
regular faculty courses, companies and software.
This work tends to investigate
some bibliometric, linguistic
and sociological aspects of the term chemometrics
by means of database
mining and chemometric methods.
series of database minings were performed. In one, Web
of Science was searched for generic
form “chemometr*”
in title, abstract, or keywords, and in address of publications in the
period 1971-2005,
for the world and
each country. In another database mining, Google
and Yahoo search engines were
extensively employed
to find out all online available languages and related
countries that used the word
chemometrics in national
languages as well as in English. The third internet surfing (Google)
was directed
to determine
relative frequencies of the previously found
forms for chemometrics in English
and the
national languages.
The word
chemometrics was found in 48 official languages, in
82 ortographic forms that ranged from
only one per
language like in Swedish or Portuguese
(quimiometria) to maximum six
in English
(chemometrics, chemometry,
English speaking
countries, especially
the USA and UK, prefer chemometrics among the forms
more than other countries.
The ortographic forms with
pronunciations, notably their -tri, -trics, -tria
ending varieties, show interesting
geographical patterns
in Europe that depend on several
items and not only on language
(Germanic, Romance, Slavic,
Baltic etc.).
were found 76 countries worldwide and 36 in Europe that had
participated in 3858 publications
with word(s)
“chemometr*” in 1975-2005. The number
of publications signed by officially
chemometric laboratories,
groups and departments from 17 countries
is rather modest, being 1189
in 1973-2005. It seems that
many researchers do not use the word chemometrics in publications
and even
not in the names of their
groups. The geographical distribution of
the first data set shows interesting
trends in the world and
even more in Europe. The distribution curves for No. publications
per country (log
form) tend to approximate
normal distribution curves for the world and
every continent in future. These
time changes are well observable
in Europe, where they are slowed down by political and socio-economic
processes in Eastern Europe.
with five descriptors for European countries and all countries were
created: No. publications
with “chemometr*” (log form),
the first publication date, No. Google hits for
“chemometrics” (log form),
human development
index, and researchers-in-research-and-development index.
Principal Component
Analysis resulted
in two principal components with 86% of the
total variance for the two datasets. The
countries are
distinguished with respect to their chemometric
activity and existence of chemometric
societies and groups.
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis was used alsoin these
analyses. The chemometric
activity is
not completely described as it
does not enumerate chemometric publications
other chemometric activities, and all inflected
forms of chemometrics in the
languages. Therefore,
the observed trends should be considered as qualitative and general, and
to-country comparisons should
be omitted. It can be said in general that active chemometric life
is related
to scientific/technological
and general progress of a country.
presented bibliometric and internet-based analyses
have shown interesting past and present
trends in chemometrics and
of chemometrics in the world, in the continents
and particular countries and
languages. These results
may be useful for the entire chemometric community.
Acknowledgment: FAPESP
1 Kowalski B.;
Brown S.; Vandeginste B. J. Chemometrics 1987, 1, 1-2.