
Daolio C., Alcântara G. B., Ferreira A. G., Ferreira M. M. C., "Quality Assessment of Espinheira-Santa Phytomedicines Using 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis". Águas de Lindóia, SP, Brazil, 10-15/09/2006: 10th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC-2006, CAC-X), Book of Abstracts (2006) P016. Poster 016. This work was granted at CAC-2006 (one among the three best posters).

10th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry P016

Quality Assessment of Espinheira-Santa Phytomedicines Using 1H
NMR Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis

Christina Daolio1, Glaucia Braz Alcantara1*, Antonio Gilberto Ferreira1, Márcia Miguel
Castro Ferreira2   glabraz@yahoo.com.br
1 Chemistry Department - UFSCar - São Carlos/Brazil   2 Chemistry Institute - UNICAMP -

Keywords: Maytenus ilicifolia, NMR and Multivariate Analysis

              "Espinha-Santa"    (Maytenus  ilicifolia   and   Maytenus  aquifolium,   Celastraceae)   leaves   are
utilized  in  Brazilian  health  programs  as  alternatives  to  the  more  expensive  synthetic  anti-ulcer  drugs,
because  of  their  proven  activity  against gastritis  and  gastric ulceers1.   However  the  species  Sorocea
bonplandii  (Moraceae)2  and  Zollernia ilicifolia  (Fabaceae)3  are common adulterants for these medicinal
plant due to their morphological similarity.   Sometimes  the accurated morphological evaluations  are limited
in the cae of  crushed of powered drugs so  1H NMR  and  chemometric analysis could be an alternative  for
quality control of crude drugs.
              In this work we analyse samples with official botanical classification  of  M. ilicifoliaM. aquifolium,
Sorocea bonplandii and Zollernia ilicifolia species and some commercial samples by using liquid   1H NMR.
The spectral data showed after PCA that the samples sold in Brazilian market are not from M. ilicifolia or M.
aquifolium.   It  is  possible  to  observe that some of  them are close  with  Zollernia ilicifolia  and Sorocea
bonplandii and most of them are completely different from these species.   In this case, probably,  it will be a
different plant species.

Figure 1: Score plot of 1H NMR data: PC1 (29.9%) vs PC2 (13.8%).

              These  preliminary  results  open  the  possibility   that  the  NMR/Multivariate Analysis  might  be  a
powerful combination, when applied to  a  suitably enlarged group of samples,  to  provide rapid  information
about quality control for phytotherapeutic medicines.
              The  1H NMR  data were acquired in BRUKER 9.4 Tesla  equipement  and  all measurements were
done in  triplicate using  a  5 mm  inverse detection probe  and  the  multivariate analyses  were done  using
Pirouette® (v. 2.7, Infometrix, USA).  The analyzed teas were prepared by pouring boiling  water  (50 mL) on
dried leaves (3 g).
Acknowledgment.   The  authors   are  grateful  to  Dra.  Glyn Mara Figueira  (CPQBA/UNICAMP)  for  the
donation  of  authentic samples  of  Maytenus ilicifolia  and Maytenus aquifolium,  to  CAPES,  CNPq  and
FAPESP for financial support.


1 Oliveira M.; Monteiro M.; Macaubas C.; Barbosa V.; Carlini E. J. Ethnopharmacology 1991, 34, 29-41.
2 Vilegas J. H.; Lanças F. M. Phytotherapy Research 1994, 8, 241-244.
3 Leite J. P. V. et al. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 1991, 49, 3796-3801.