
Alcântara G. B., Honda N. K., Ferreira M. M. C., Ferreira A. G., "Chemometric analysis applied in intact lichens samples using (HR-MAS) 1H NMR and IR data for chemotaxonomic discrimination". Águas de Lindóia, SP, Brazil, 10-15/09/2006: 10th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC-2006, CAC-X), Book of Abstracts (2006) P019. Poster 019.

10th International Conference on Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry P019

Chemometric analysis applied in intact lichens samples using
(HR-MAS) 1H NMR and IR data for chemotaxonomic

Glaucia Braz Alcantara1*, Neli Kika Konda2,  Márcia Miguel Castro Ferreira3, Antonio
Gilberto Ferreira glabraz@yahoo.com.br
1 Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos/SP - Brazil.
2 Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande/MS - Brazil.
2 Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas/SP - Brazil.

Keywords: lichen, NMR, IR

     Lichens present  a  difficult  morphologial  differentiation  and  usually  the  chemical  analyses  are  very
employed  for  its  taxonomic  classification,   mainly  due   to  the  secondary  metabolites   to  be  relatively
constant  for  these  organisms1.  The  chemotaxonomic lichens  classification usually  is  realises by colour
reactions,   chromatography,   fluorescence   and    mass  spectrometry  analysis2.  However,  this  majority
analysis involves  pre-treatment  sample  process  with  a high time  and reagents consumption.  Therefore,
fast analysis methods  that dispense  the  smaples manipulation  are  very required,  being  able to  present
great importance for lichens chemotaxonomy.
     In this work we focus the application of HR-MAS  1H NMR  (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning) and
IR,  both techniques using intact samples associated with chemometric analysis.   For this purpose,  eleven
species of lichens sample from  six genera  and  two  different families were powdered  in  a  cryogenic mill.
1H HR-MAD NMR spectra  were  obtained on a Bruker 9.4 Tesla DRX 400 Bruker spectrometer,  equipped
with  a  4 mm  HR-MAS probehead and zirconia rotor. IR spectra were registered in  a  Bomem Hartmann &
Braun  MB-Series  model  102  spectrometer.   All  spectra were used as input variabvle  on  the  Pirouette®
software to perform chemometric analysis by PCA and HCA methods.
     Chemometric  analysis  of  HR-MAS  1H NMR  and  IR  spectra  has  permitted to correlate  the  families,
genera  and  species.   In   Figure 1,  we   can   observe   the   discrimination   between   Phisciaceae   and
Parmeliaceae families in the HR-MAS 1H NMR data with only one sample presenting an unusual behaviour.
In  Figure 2,   the  PCA  scores  plot  show  families  discrimination  using  IR data  (Parmeliaceae  family  is
presented in hatched square).
     In comparison  with  other  traditional  techniques,  HR-MAS  1H NMR  and  IR  allied  with chemometrics
have provided  a  fast  and  economic  method  for  lichens chemotaxonomy.  Both methods  were useful for
lichens analysis and  have permitted  the  satisfactory discrimination between families,  genera and species.

Figure 1: HCA plot of all lichens in HR-MAS NMRFigure 2: PCA scores plot of all lichens in IR
analysis (similarity 0.217).analysis. (PC1xPC3, 21,9 and 14.6%).

Acknowledgment  - Fapesp, CNPq, Capes, Finep.

1 Quilhot W.; Leighton G.; Flores E.; Fernandes E.; Pena W.; Guzman G. Acta Farm. Boranense, 1987, 6(1): 15-22.
2 Honda N. K.; Vilegas W. Quím. Nova, 1998, 21(6): 110-125.