Tavares L. A., Boffo E. F., Ferreira A. G., Ferreira M. M. C., "Adulteration study of Brazilian honey by SNIF and 1H NMR". Nottingham, UK, 16-19/07/2006: 8th International Conference on The Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Online Book of Abstracts (2006). Oral, poster.

Boffo E. F., Tavares L. A., Ferreira A. G., Ferreira M. M. C., Tobias A. C. T, "Determination of the authenticity of commercial coffees by application of chemometrics to 1H NMR and FT-IR spectra". Nottingham, UK, 16-19/07/2006: 8th International Conference on The Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science, Online Book of Abstracts (2006). Poster.

Here below ais a simplified version of the conference home page which can be found at: http://www.biopolymersolutions.co.uk/nmr/

About the Conference

This conference series is recognised as the principal forum dedicated to the Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science.It is also seen as a great environment for networking and sharing views and experiences with Magnetic Resonance experts from academia and industry who are committed to the utilisation of MR tools to improve our understanding of food systems. It has a long tradition in presenting the latest technical innovations and their current and potential applications to the understanding of food materials, their processing and stability.

The many facets of NMR and ESR techniques are covered in a series of oral and poster presentations. The papers are selected through a peer-reviewing process of the submitted abstracts. These papers are published in a Proceedings book published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

This is the 8th edition of the series:

   1. 1992 Surrey, UK
   2. 1994 Aveiro, Portugal
   3. 1996 Nantes, France
   4. 1998 Norwich, UK
   5. 2000 Aveiro, Portugal
   6. 2002 Paris, France
   7. 2004 Copenhagen, Denmark
   8. 2006 Nottingham, UK

The 8th International Conference on: 

The Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science

Sunday 16th July 2006
12.00 Registration Opens
14.00 Exhibitors setting up and Posters display 
17.30 Reception
Monday 17th July 2006
9.00 Conference opening and Introduction 
Venue: "Law and Social Sciences", University Park, Nottingham (map) 
9.10 Invited Short Lecture by Sir Professor Peter Mansfield
9.30 Applications of NMR in Food Science and Technology: 
the Industrial Perspective
Dr John van Duynhoven
Unilever Food & Health Research Institute, The Netherlands
5 min session changeover
Session 1: Food in the human body: Imaging
10.15 Functional MRI: food in the body Prof Penny Gowland 
University of Nottingham, UK
10.45 Gastric and small bowel response to model food Ms Eleanor Cox
University of Nottingham, UK
11.10 Coffee
Session 2: Food in the human body: Metabolomics
11.40 NMR based Metabolic Profiling and Fingerprinting on food materials Dr Eberhard Humpfer 
Bruker BioSpin, Germany
12.10 1H NMR-based metabonomics applied in the elucidation of biochemical effects of consumption of whole grain cereals  Dr Hanne Bertram
Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
12.35 Lunch
14.10 Metabonomics: a holistic way of understanding nutritional biochemistry Prof Huiru Tang
The Chinese Academy of Sciences
14.50 Metabolomics in Food Science: Evaluating the Impact of Functional Foods on the Consumer Dr Clare A. Daykin
University of Nottingham, UK
5 min session changeover
Session 3: Modern spectroscopy techniques
15.20 Motional Relativity and novel NMR sensors Dr Brian Hills
Institute of Food Research, UK
16.00 Coffee
16.30 Advances in MRI of extracellular matrix of meat Dr Jean-marie Bonny
INRA-Theix, France
16.55 Real-time visualisation of structural changes in cereal materials under high-moisture conditions using 3D MRI and XRT Dr Wladyslaw Weglarz
The Institute of Nuclear Physics, Poland
17:20 Posters and Exhibition
19:00 Dinner
Tueday 18th July 2006
Session 4: Solid state and relaxometry
9.00 Dynamic 13C-Solid-State NMR Techniques for the Investigation of Sugar Glasses in Natural Isotopic Abundance  Prof Detlef Reichert
University of Halle, Germany
9.40 NMR studies of macromolecules assembly in plant cell wall Dr Corinne Rondeau-Mouro
INRA-Nantes, France
10.05 The Effect of Heat Treatment on Crystallization Behaviour of Pure Pork Fat and Emulsified Pork Fat - A LF-NMR Study  Mrs Gitte Svenstrup
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
10.30 Coffee
Session 5: Food processing and quality: Part 1
11.00 MRI of meat related food system Dr Jean-Pierre Renou
INRA-Theix, France
11.40 Influence of grain structural components on the drying of wheat: a magnetic resonance imaging study Mr Prabal Ghosh
University of Manitoba, Canada
12.05 MRI Study of Polenta Gelatinization During Cooking Dr Igor Serša
Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Characterization of water proton mobility and distribution in soy and wheat bread using MRI. Dr Yael Vodovotz
The Ohio State University, USA
5 min session change-over
Session 6: Food processing and quality: Part 2
14.30 NMR tools for the analysis of beer and wine Dr Ana Gil
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal 
15.10 Use of 23Na and 1H MRI for the optimisation of methods for salting of Atlantic salmon fillets Dr Emil Veliyulin
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd, Norway
15.35 Authentication of fish and fish products using high resolution NMR spectroscopy Ms  I. B. Standal
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd, Norway
16.00 Coffee
16.30 Adulteration study in Brazilian honey by SNIF-NMR method Dr Antonio Ferreira
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil
5 min session change-over
17.00 Presentation of 4 selected posters
17.40 Posters and Exhibition 
19.00 Conference Dinner  
Wednesday 19th July 2006
Session 7: Data analysis and exploitation
9.30 Multivariate data analysis of NMR data - beyond PCA and PLS Prof Søren Engelsen
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
10.00 Dairy product authentication by 1H NMR in combination with different chemometric tools Ms Marion Cuny
Eurofins, France
10.25 Quantification of the degree of blockiness in pectins using 1H NMR spectroscopy and chemometrics Ms Hanne Winning
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
10.50 Coffee
11.20 How Much Information is there in an NMR Measurement? Prof Peter Belton
University of East Anglia, UK
11.50 Separation of two dimensional diffusion and relaxation time distributions from oil/fat and moisture in food Dr Geir Sørland
Anvendt Teknologi, Norway
12.15 Wrap-up
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Visit of the Sir Peter Mansfield for Magnetic Resonance Centre and/or to The Division Food Sciences (on the Sutton Bonington Campus)


The 8th International Conference on: 

The Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science


Posters (Listed in alphabetical order of the presenting author)
Inferring the physical properties of maltodextrin/water systems in glassy state from the fitting parameters of the Free Induction Decay
Aeberhardt K., Normand V., Bui Q.B.
1H-NMR fingerprinting of olive oils for geographical origin characterization
Alonso-Salces R. M. , Moreno-Rojas J. M., Trantallidi M., Holland M. V., Reniero F. , Guillou C., Heberger K. 
1H-NMR of the unsaponifiable fraction of olive oils for the determination of geographical origin
Alonso-Salces R. M, Moreno-Rojas J. M., Holland M.V., Mariani C., Reniero F., Guillou C., Heberger K. 
An investigation into the practical aspects of the quantitative analysis of solid-liquid systems using low-field NMR
Andrade L., Farhat I.A. 
Quantitative control of flavour delivery systems A comparative chemometric and spectroscopic investigation by NIR and NMR 
Andrade L., Taylor A.J, Normand V., Aerberhardt K, Engelsen S.B 
Low field 1H NMR as a tool to study structural changes in Atlantic salmon fillets as affected by ante-mortem handling stress and salting method
Aursand I.G., Emil Veliyulin E., Erikson U.
31P-NMR of human milk during lactation
Belloque J., Manso M., López-Fandiño R.
23Na Relaxometry and 23Na Magnetic Resonance Imaging studies on Salt Mobility and Distribution in Meat 
Bertram H.C., Holdsworth S.J., Whittaker A.K.
The modular concept of a State-of-the-Art Instrumentation for Fully automated measurement of SFC-Content by using NMR-Techniques
Brandtner S., Hansen M., Cullmann H., Paulsen V. (Exhibitor)
NMR T2 measurements to characterize PDO* foods: Mozzarella di Bufala Campana cheese (* Protected Designation of Origin trademark) 
Brosio E., Gianferri R. and D’Aiuto V. 
"Carrots stocks" composition by 1H-NMR analysis 
Cazor A., Deborde C., Moing A., Rolin D., This H.
13C-NMR studies on the intermediate material (IM) of starch
Not Presented
Du X., Jia J.
Adulteration study of Brazilian honey by SNIF and 1H NMR 
Tavares L.A., Boffo E.F., Ferreira A.G., Ferreira M.M.C.
Determination of the authenticity of commercial coffees by application of chemometrics to 1H NMR and FT-IR spectra
Boffo E.F., Tavares L.A., Ferreira A.G., Ferreira M.M.C., Tobias A.C.T 
Aroma diffusion and salt interactions in food 1H DOSY and 23Na DQF NMR study on a model system
Gobet M., Mouaddab M., Guichard E., Le Quéré J.L., Moreau C., Foucat L. 
Low field NMR research on the state of water at superchilling and freezing temperatures and the effect of salt on the freezing process of water in cod mince
Guðjónsdóttir M., Gunnlaugsdóttir H., Arason S.
Low field NMR study on seven dry salting methods of cod
Guðjónsdóttir M., Þórarinsdóttir K.A, Arason S.
Visualization of pork curing using 23Na-Magnetic Resonance Imaging - the role of connective tissue
Hansen C.L., van den Berg F., Ringgaard S., Karlsson A.H., Stødkilde-Jørgensen H.
A study of post mortem conversion of turkey muscle to meat by MR quantitative microscopy
Hansen C.L., Santé V., Karlsson A.H.,Renou J.P., Bonny J.M.
Initial stages of the Scottish Oat Cakes and Suedtiroler Schuettelbrot hydration from gaseous phase as observed by hydration kinetics, sorption isotherm and proton NMR
Witek M., Nestle N., Haranczyk H.
Dynamic 13C-Solid-State NMR Techniques for the Investigation of Organic Solids in Natural Isotopic Abundance
Kovermann M., Pascui O., Reichert D.
The fitting of NMR relaxation decays of sugar/water mixtures
van den Bosch M., Derbyshire W., van Dusschoten D. , Farhat I.A., MacNaughtan W., Hemminga M., Mitchell J.R.
Pulsed Field Gradient Spin Echo Methods for On-line Determination of Fruit Quality
Marigheto N., Hills B.
Magnetic resonance imaging of soaking and cooking of bean
Mikac U., Sepe A., Serša I.
Characterisation of salt interactions in salting products by 23Na DQF NMR spectroscopy
Mouaddab M., Foucat L., Bonny J.M., Renou J.P. 
Kinetics and phase composition of phase-separating carrageenan-milk protein mixtures from T2-measurements 
Robijn G., Sessink A., Toebes A.
High Resolution Solid state NMR of B-type amylase
Rondeau-Mouro C., Veronese G., Buleon A.
Probing water migration and molecular mobility during the ageing of bread
Sereno N.M. I.A. Farhat, S. E. Hill, J. R. Mitchell
Determination of fat, moisture and protein in fish powder within 30 minutes, by combining low resolution NMR techniques and microwave technology
Lundby F., Sørland G.H., Eilertsen S.
Intermolecular interactions in phytochemical model systems studied by NMR diffusion measurements
Tiziania S., Schwartzb S.J., Vodovotzb Y.
1H-NMR quantitative determination of photosynthetic pigments in crude extracts of raw green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.)
Valverde J., This H.
Correlated T1-T2 MRI for multi-component analysis in single voxels: water and fat gradients in cheese
Venne  B.B. ,Vergeldt F.J. , Van As H. 
Effects of Freezing on Water Diffusion Properties in Poultry Meat: a µDTI Preliminary Study
Venturi L., Gussoni M., Greco F., Cavani C., Placucci G., Cremonini M.A.
Effect of High Pressure Processing on 1H mobility in tapioca starch gels
Vittadini E., Carini E., Curti E., Pierpaolo R.
3D Single Point Imaging of Multicomponent Food with Texture Contrast - Optimalisation of the method sensitivity
Weglarz W. P., Windt C., van Duynhoven J., Van As H.
Assessment of amount and state of water in food materials using NMR transverse relaxation decay deconvolution
Weglarz W.P., Witek M., de Jong L., van Duynhoven J., Van As H.
Imaging moisture ingress in cereal crackers: an SPI study
Windt C., Vergeldt F., Weglarz W., van Duynhoven J., Van As H.
Solid state high resolution NMR study of native and heat treated white rice samples
Witek M., Van As H., Weglarz W.P.,de Jong L., van Duynhoven J. 
Changes in water distribution and protein secondary structure in pork induced by heating, salting and aging - A combined low-field NMR and FT-IR study
Wu Z., Kohler A., Böcker U., Ofstad R., Andersen H.J., Bertram H.C.