Kiralj R., Ferreira M. M. C., “Comparing Computational and Chemometric Approaches to Calculate Aromatic Bond Lengths: a Case of Nucleobases”. Poços de Caldas, MG, 26-29/05/2003: 26a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química: A química torna sua vida melhor [26th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society - Chemistry makes our life better], Livro de Resumos [Book of Abstracts], (2003) QT-034. Poster QT-034.

Comparing computational and chemometric approaches to calculate aromatic bond lengths: a case of nucleobases
Rudolf Kiralj (PQ), Márcia Miguel Castro Ferreira (PQ)*. marcia@iqm.unicamp.br
Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas 13083-862, SP, Brasil

Palavras Chave: Pauling p-bond order, HCA-PCA best model selection, dimer geometry optimization
Nucleobases or nucleic acid bases are natural or synthetic carbohydrate derivatives of heterocyclic and carbocyclic compounds. Their physical, chemical, biochemical, pharmacologic and physiologic effects can be well reflected through, or correlated with nucleobase bond lengths (CC, CN, CO). This work deals with various chemometric (univariate, multivariate based mainly on Pauling p-bond orders and bond electrotopological indices) and computational (ab initio, semi-empirical, molecular mechanics) approaches to calculate these bond lengths. The coupled HCA-PCA procedure on the results from all these calculations reveals that multivariate chemometric methods are better than univariate ones, and at the same level as semi-empirical and molecular mechanics methods. The maximum power in reproducing experimental bond lengths comes from nucleobase dimer geometry optimization at ab initio level.

26a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química - SBQ