Kiralj R., Ferreira M. M. C., "Structural chemometrics applied to bioactive conformation of some lignans".  Campinas, SP, 23-25/02/2005: 17a Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Cristalografia [17th Meeting of Brazilian Crystallographic Society], Livro de Resumos [Book of Abstracts], (2005) 47. Poster 07. Section: Biomolecules.

Structural chemometrics applied to bioactive conformation of some lignans

Ferreira M. M. C. and Kiralj R.

Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Campinas SP

Resumo [Abstract]

Lignans are natural products that are produced  by  various plants and some lower organisms.  These  compounds  have in-
teresting  biological  properties  like  antitumoral,  antiviral,  antifungal,  antimalarial,  antimitotic,  antiinflamatory and other
pharmacologically  important  activities.  (-)-Hinoquinine  is  a  lignan  with  g-butyrolactone  as  the  central  ring  and  two
methylenephenyl groups as substituents.  Recently, its potential activity against  Chaga’s  disease  and  conformational  pro-
perties, were studied [1].  Computational approach to find the bioactive  conformation  of  this  compound resulted in  four
stable conformer types with respect to the relative position of the phenyl rings and approximate molecular symmetry: pp
stacked  (parallel rings),  T-shaped  (at high angle to mutually orthogonal rings),  extended  (no contact  between  the rings)
and intermediate  (between T-shaped and extended).  Using structural databases  and  applying structural chemometrics on
geometry parameters  of  retrieved structures as well as  of  computed  conformers  was useful  to  solve  the  doubt which
conformation type corresponded  to bioactive conformation.  The search for  g-butyrolactones  and  tetrahydrofurans  with
methylenephenyl substituents was  performed in the Cambridge Structural Database CSD)  [2]  in  order  to see conformer
type distribution of the hinoquine-like systems. Four predominant conformers, the same as in case of (-)-hinoquinine, were
detected with no preference for any conformation type.  This confirms predominant  influence  of  substituents in the basic
structure as well as of intermolecular interactions (crystal packing effects).  Crystal violet,  a standard  used in lignan  bioas-
says [2], as well its derivative malachite green, have been found  by  systematic search in the  Protein Data Bank [3].  The
only structures contain protein  QacR  complexed  with these ligands.  The bioactive conformation of the ligands  served to
identify the conformation type of (-)-hinoquine that may be bioactive.  Structural parameters  that  determine conformation
type  were defined and measured.  The parameters included distances between  the ring centroids,  angles formed by these
centroids and their sum, the angles between the ring planes,  and the 3D Wiener index of  the basic structure.  Phenyl rings
and the  5-membered  central ring were considered  as  the only rings  in this analysis.  Principal Component Analysis  and
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis  applied  to  the geometry parameters  of  the  ligand structures and the four structures  of the
(-)-hinoquine conformers identified the T-shaped as the potential bioactive conformer. Superposition of this and the crystal
violet conformer confirmed the observation.

Agradecimentos [Acknowledgement]


Referências [References]

1. P. M. Donate, S. Albuquerque, M. M. C. Ferreira, R. Kiralj et al., in preparation
2. F. H. Allen, Acta Cryst. B58, 380 (2002)
3. H. M. Berman et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 28, 235 (2000) http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/