Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica
18 a 21 Novembro de 2001
Kiralj (PQ) and Márcia M. C. Ferreira (PQ), Instituto de Química,
de Campinas, Campinas, SP, 13083-970, Brazil. marcia@iqm.unicamp.br
Indole-3-acetic acid is the
most important auxin, a plant hormone with simple
structure. A ll the attempts
to quantify its structure-biological activity relationship were not
much successsful
up to date, mostly due to missing
knowledge about some intrinsic
molecular properties responsible
for intermolecular interactions. Low temperature crystal
structure of
indole-3-acetic acid1 is
a good reference point for s ystematic theoretical
studies. In
this work, the experimental geometry
was optimized using molecular
mechanics (MMF, Sybil),
semi-empirical methods (MINDO/3, MNDOm AM1, PM3) and ab
initio (about
fifteen DFT and RHF basis sets). Bond length matrix mxn
(m = number of
bonds, n =
number of calculations) and its
tranpose (nxm) were analyzed
Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical
Cluster Analysis (HCA). A
carboxylic acid cyclic
H-bond dimer from crystal structure was optimized using
methods. In
general, ab initio bond lengths are closer to
experimental ones than those
from semi-empirical and
molecular mechanics. All the methods do not reproduce
well C-
OH bond which is the
most one affected by dimer's H-bonds.
Detailed PCA on both
matrices shows that bond
lengths are described at most by six
Principal Components.
The data clustering is similar
in PCA and in HCA. Characteristic molecular fragments are
recognized among the scores,
while similar basis sets of ab initio and also methods
the same level
of accuracy (e.g. molecular mechanics, semi-empirical,
initio) are
distinguished in loadings.
Bond lengths of optimized cyclic H-bond dimer are
close to
experimental values than
those of isolated i ndole-3-acetic acid, especially
the carboxylic
chain (by more than 0.01 Å). The optimized
dimer structures show that
the carboxyl group geometry
is closely related to H-bond geometry.
1 B. Nigovic, S. Antolic,
B. Kojic-Prodic, R. Kiralj, V. Magnus, B. Salopek-Sondi, Acta
Cryst. B56
(2000) 94-111.