Chemometric techniques were applied to follow the transport of potassium
through a chloroform membrane, using ternary
mixtures of the isomeric anions, 2,4-dinitrophenolate (2,4-DNP) and
2,5-dinitrophenolate (2,5-DNP) with also
2-nitrophenolate (ortho-). Some spectral differences can be
observed in the UV-Vis region, although 2,4- and 2,5-DNP have
very similar spectra. Using the trilinear decomposition method (TLD),
it is possible to estimate the spectra of the pure
components and simultaneously their kinetic profiles. The estimated
spectral profiles are in excellent agreement with
experimental results and the kinetic profiles agree with those obtained
by ordinary least squares (OLS). The transport rates are
calculated and compared. The ortho- isomer has a very small
rate of transport.
Chemometrics; Liquid Membranes; Trilinear Decomposition; Nitrophenolates.
Keywords Plus.
Facilitated transport.