Some details about this list

-This page contains abstracts published in international scientific meetings (conferences, symposia, congresses, schools etc.), and a simple statistics. Some of  the papers are in English, some in Portugues. English translation of the title and the abstract is provided for every abstract.
The abstract are arranged in chronological order, by the year of the meetings. By an international meeting is understood any scientific meeting at international or regional (for example, European, Latin American) meeting, a national meeting outside of Brasil (that is to say, in another country), or even a Brazilian meeting with strongly international character (significant number of foreign participants and/or invited speakers, other languages in use besides Portugues, abstracts in English etc.).

-Link Abstract leads to the English abstract in html format, with the full reference and other relevant data, and to the keywords, as is in the original publication. If the original paper has abstract and keywords in another language, they are also included.

-Links Paper, Paper1, Paper2 etc. provide opening, printing and free dowload of papers in pdf or html format. Papers in html format usually contain more html or picture format  documents, what one should bare in mind if downloading the complete paper. One should also have in mind that pdf files as well as pictures made by scanning
paper printouts may be of insufficient quality when downloaded and then printed; in such cases is better to look after the journal and make a xerox copy. The papers are usually published in a special issue of some journal dedicated to the meeting, or are papers published in journals which are not related to the meeting except in the presented matter.

-Link Annals provides opening, printing and free dowload of papers in pdf or html format. These papers were published in Annals of the meeting or some related meeting.

-Link Poster leads to the download of the poster in pdf format. One may note that the pictures in the pdf format are not always of the high quality. Opening related papers published in journals or annals may help in that.

-Link Presentation or Lecture direct to the file of the oral presentation or lecture in pdf format. This file is a copy of the original file or is an adapted version of the orally presented work.

-Link Book enables opening, printing and free dowload of the book of abstracts in pdf format.

-Link Notes provides additional information in English (or another language if no English information is sufficient) about the meeting where . If there is more information about the meeting, a new link Notes2 appears. In some cases, it was necessary to add link Notes3. This link also provides a summary of the meeting's home page or other relevant pages found on internet.

-Link Lecture provides a file that contains the lecture notes used for oral presentation, invited lecture or other kind of oral contribution.

-One or more little icons give by clicking  some graphical presentation, symbol or logotype of the meeting or some related subject, while the last three little icons are photographs of the place where the meeting was held (building, city, region, country). These icons are in some way, identification of the meeting and of the contribution presented in it. The icons can be understood as the graphical, artistic or even cultural and historical aspects of the scientific areas covered by the meetings, countries or of the societies by which the meetings were organized.

-Short List is a simplified list of publications without links and with no English translation of Portuguese titles. Non-Portuguese and non-English titles are omitted also.

-Brief information about the Journals contains basic information about every journal in which full papers, papers in annals of meetings and conference abstracts were published. The information about the journals include  full journals' names and scopes with useful links to the journals' home pages.

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